Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dia Tres

We started this day off with a filling breakfast of eggs, beans and rice of course, watermelon and cereal. Once we arrived at Pedro's house in Guacimo we took a trip to Santa Cruz and saw the finished project of many days of work in the past. The mural was still gorgeous, the wall was still standing, and the alter was still strong, spiritually and structurally. Our work day started with digging more giant rocks from the garden area. Norma provided a delicious snack consisting of bananas, pineapple and chocolate. Then it was back to work breaking up the ground. After lunch some of us started digging the trench for the runoff and the rest of us started an assembly line with pick axes, shovels, hoes and rakes. One side had a field day and finished quickly while the other side kept finding many more rocks. Once everyone was thoroughly worn out we headed back to Earth University. The much appreciated dinner included meat/lasagna, vegetables, beans and rice, and pineapple/papaya. After having showered, everyone packed back on the bus to head for San Lucas. We played games with the youth for about an hour and shared drinks and snacks. It was a fantastic day and we hope for the same tomorrow as it's our last night with the group in San Lucas.

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