Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 2

Today we started out with a great breakfast - rice and beans. We left Earth University to go start work at the parish hall in Guacimo. We all got there and our eyes widened. We had to completely start from scratch pulling out all weeds and digging/ picking out 1000+ pound rocks. Our bus driver even helped us out a little. The down side of starting from scratch was all the millions of ants and bugs. We had a little hive problem that broke out on Jack halfway through but a little corazon cream calmed it down. After a couple hours of work we went inside to go have more rice, beans, and chicken. We split up and most of the girls went to go shopping to buy food for our cookout at San Lucas while the others stayed and worked in the ants. We worked for a little longer then went back to Earth to quickly shower and head out to Germania ( San Lucas ) We met Marie Jose and Daniel there who are Pedro's kids which love to play outside. We went to go walk the streets to gather people to come to the church at 5:00 for yummy hamburgers and hotdogs. We made a few friends who came to eat and then play soccer - which they were very good at. After it got dark we loaded the bus to head back to Earth share our wows and pows, take another cold shower and head to bed.
- Kaelyn

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