Wednesday, July 20, 2011

And then there was lunch

Today most of the youth going on the trip had lunch together.  If anybody is ever curious why one would want to do youth ministry they should have been in that room.  I enjoyed the questions, the conversations, and the excitement about the trip.  From our day-to-day activities, to a discussion about journaling, youth energize me and fill my cup.  This is going to be a great trip!  I cant wait to see what is in store for us.  We will eat, sleep, work, sweat, and grow together in healthy ways.  These kind of things can only happen in once place.  This place is the church.

1 comment:

  1. They are free to express themselves in that room...they know that you and the other kids care about them and value their opinions. Thank you for helping create that atmosphere...the Holy Spirit definitely moves through that group. Bon Voyage, guys!
