Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Greetings from the Elders

Rustin and Sara: From Costa Rica to North Carolina.
Hola! Buenos noches! Today began well before six.  Breakfast was lovely.  Showers were also lovely.  Cheese quesadillas, rice and beans (of course) and cereal were served at breakfast.  We waited til 8 and left for Guacimo.  Today was the hottest yet.  Water breaks were frequent and long.  Kate, Rustin, Andrew and Mike went with our friend Jonathan to Earth University to collect 250 plants for the garden.  While they were gone, we created rock beds for the flowers and Matthew finished the ditch.  Lunch was Americano.  Cheeseburgers, french fries and rice pudding.  Then we got re-design some of the rock beds into circles.  We planted these huge purple stalk-like things (pictures to follow) to border the garden along with little green stems and little purple boys around the edges of the playground and walkway.

More rocks were moved to make a entrance to the garden.  After the workday, we quickly went to Germania to set up the volleyball net then back to Earth for showers and dinner.  Dinner was really good: Fish or Roast.  Then we drove back to Germania to celebrate Sara's birthday bilingually.  We played duck-duck-goose and watched Toy Story 3 in Spanish with no subtitles.  (In case you were wondering, Buzz does not switch to English after he is reset.  It stays Spanish.  We were all highly disappointed.)  When we got home, we shared our Pows and Wows and special moments of the day.  Thanks momma for the birthday camera :)  Buenos noches.  Lots of love.
Sara y Rustin.

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