Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day of Rest

Our relaxation day started off by waking up to howler monkeys and a gorgeous view of the rain forest.
We headed to breakfast with a walk through the woods. Breakfast consisted of eggs, fresh fruit and delicious jelly for our toast. After morning prayer we went to our snorkeling tours. Once on the boat we went out about 30 minutes to the perfect spot and dove in.

There were many various corals and fish galore!!  Although we were there for two hours, the time went by insanely fast and we all wished for more.

 Lunch back at Restaurante Roberto included chicken/fish, plantains, beans and rice, and pineapple juice. After scarfing down our lunch, we returned to the Goddess Spa to shower and do last minute packing. It was sad to leave our gorgeous surroundings, but we were all ready to get back to Earth University. On our way back we ate at a restaurant recommended by Jaimie, our much appreciated bus driver. Dinner was delicioso!! As soon as we arrived at Earth, we met the adults and had a youth-led compline then Pows/Wows. We can't wait to show the adults the results of our hard work tomorrow. Buenos Noches!!
Maggie and Kate :)

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